Students' Planning Messages
Here are two examples of student planning messages
for Learning Circle projects.
From:!grantsca003 (Sue Smith)
Date: Fri Feb 26 11:54 GMT 1993
To: !sc1:cir
Subject: Proj. G.S./CA - Solar Energy
Dear Circle partners,
We are studying the difference between renewable
and nonrenewable energy sources. Our class is
going to sponsor a project that looks at uses of
solar energy and then we are going to suggest that
you interview someone about the possibilities of
solar energy. Here are our questions:
1. What do you use solar energy for in your area?
Please make a list of all of the things that you
can think of. We have started our list. We are
making guesses about what things you will have on
your list. Maybe you will surprise us.
2. Which of the things on your list are new inventions?
The sun has been around for a long time but it
seems like there are a lot of new things that
are solar powered. We think there will be many
new things.
3. Interview a scientist, a science teacher, or
someone who knows a lot about energy. Ask them to
describe the solar inventions that they think will be
available in the year 2000. We think it will
be fun to find out what people think will be
done in the future.
We would also like to know what you are studying
about energy. Do you study renewable and nonrenewable
energy sources? We just got new science books
this year and our teacher is very excited about
them. Do you have science books? What are they called?
We know you will write back real fast, right???
The rad 6th graders
Grant School, CA
P.S. We have a great film (VHS) on solar cars
and some materials on solar energy that we
can loan to anyone who is interested! --S. Smith
From:!northscn003 (Marie La Bec)
Date: Fri Feb 26 11:54 GMT 1993
To: !sc1:cir
Subject: Proj. N.S./CAN - Student Employment
Dear Circle partners,
Hi. The students at Grant are interested in
finding out if you have jobs outside of your
houses and if you do, how many hours you work
and how much money you can earn. We are looking
for any type of writing on work. It could be poems,
essays, stories, plays, or survey results. We are
including some questions that might give you ideas
about what to write about. We had a class discussion
to come up with these questions.
1. What do students in your area do to earn money?
2. How many students in a class are likely to have jobs?
3. What are the best jobs to have?
4. What is the best time to have a job when you
are in school? After school? Evenings? Weekend?
5. How much money do kids who have jobs earn?
6. What do you do with the money that you earn?
7. What is the easiest way to earn money in your
location? Why?
8. What is the most difficult way to earn money
in your location? Why?
9. What is the best reason for having or not having
a job?
10. What is the best way to get a job?
Don't worry....You don't have to answer all of these
questions in one article. We just wanted to give you
some ideas of the things we wanted to know about you
and your working experience.
We are hoping that each school will send us 3-6 articles.
Our plan is to have one page for each school so our
section will be about 8 pages.
So.....send us something soon....
we are just sitting here waiting for your messages!!!
Your Canadian partners,
North Strathcone School
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