Phase 6: Closing the Learning Circle

Saying Good-bye
The closing date of the Learning Circle should be
listed in the time line. You should be well aware of it from the
regular online Circle News messages. It is nice to plan for the
end so that you and your partners have a chance to say good-bye
before the accounts are closed. Any class or group who has worked
closely together to accomplish a task will feel some sadness when
the work is done and the group disbands. Some teachers have had
their students prepare a short summary of their experiences on the
Learning Network, thanking each of the classrooms for their participation.
Some have composed short poems to express their feelings. Others
have exchanged addresses for summer visits or future correspondence.
Please take a few minutes and thank the other teachers
in your Learning Circle, especially your Learning Circle Facilitator.
These dedicated teachers volunteer their time to help coordinate
the interaction in the Learning Circles and work with Mentor Coordinators
to help share ideas across Learning Circles. If you enjoy telecommunications,
you might want to volunteer to be a Learning Circle Facilitator
in a future session.
Learning Circle Certificates
A Learning Circle Certificate
is a good way to recognize your students' work. You might want to
make copies for all of your students or use the certificate to recognize
a smaller number of students who have been especially active on
the Learning Network.
Sharing the Circle Publication
When you have received a copy of each project summary,
you will be able to assemble the Circle publication and make copies
for your students. You will want to make a few extra copies to send
to the people who helped make your participation in the Learning
Network possible, your principal, your school board, the PTA, your
computer coordinator, the district office, and whoever supported
your school's participation.
Your school library is a good place to provide school
access to your Circle publication. Encourage your students to show
the publication to their parents, or share it with parents during
parent-teacher conferences. If you invited a guest speaker to the
classroom, he or she would probably enjoy seeing your completed
product. Some teachers have also sent their publications to the
media and local libraries to let them know that good things are
happening in schools.
Closing the Circle Checklist
You may want to mark this final checklist
to make sure that you have accomplished your goals.
Charting the Future
Learning Circles are designed by the teachers who
use them. Please feel free to describe your experience or offer
any suggestions, comments, or ideas. We are eager to hear them and
we will do our best to incorporate them into this guide and in the
social structure provided by networks like iEARN.
Please send comments and ideas to
Margaret Riel
[email protected]
or to the
International Secretariat for
[email protected]
Teacher Comments...
Here are comments from
teachers about their experiences in Learning Circles.
Phase 6 Checklist
The Phase 6: Closing the Circle Checklist
will help you check to see that you have completed your work in
Learning your Circle.

Copyright © 1997, 2002, Margaret