I*EARN Computer Chronicles, Middle School (iearn.ccm1)

May, 1997


Learning CirclesProject sponsored by the students' team of

"Alexandru PapiuIlarian" Highschool Dej

February - May1997






OutstandingRepresentatives of the Romanian Culture


Constantin Brancusi

The Romanian Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957) was apowerful and highly original personality of modern universalsculpture. He was born in Hobita-Pestisani, in Gorj county andattended the Vocational school in Craiova and the National Belle ArteSchool in Bucharest. In 1904 he sets up for Paris and one year lateris granted a scholarship at Belle Arte School. During this period hecreates "Boy's bust", "Boy's head", "The prayer". Later, he isaccepted in Rodin's studio, but in 1907 he will quit it and his workswill become obviously polemical retorts to Rodin's "decadentimpressionism". His most important works in this period were: "Thesleep", "The sleeping muse", "The masterly bird", "Prometheus". Hisarts becomes worldwide celebrated and enjoys success in America,where Brancusi attends in 1913 the International Exhibition of ModernArt in New York. The concept of primary shapes influences hissubsequent works: "The first shout", "Princess X", "The new born","Leda", "The beginning of the world". Brancusi returns to Romaniaafter 1933 and starts work at his triptych in Targu Jiu: "The SilentTable", "The Kiss Gate", "The Endless Column". Here he rediscoversthe meanings of folk art, of the entire Roman cultural heritage.Enlightened by the cult of his native land and ancestors, thesculptor discerns in time's endless flow the crucial moments oflife-birth, love, work, death. His works concentrate generally humanphilosophical meanings, Brancusi being thus, both universal andRomanian.

Dana Ardelean

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


The Endless Column

The Silent Table

The Kiss Gate

Mihai Eminescu

       MihaiEminescu was the last great romantic poet in the 19th century inEurope. His poems were a vital element in the Romanian creation atthe end of the 19th century, after the achievement of Romanianindependence in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878. His work isinternationally known and gives people outside Romania a glimpse intothe Romanian culture. His importance to our country can be comparedto Puskin's poetry in Russian culture. His was born on the 15th ofJanuary 1850 in the Moldavian village of Ipotesti, near Botosani,being the seventh of eleven children. He attended grade school inCernauti and later he studied at University of Vienna and HumboldtUniversity in Berlin. In 1874 he came to Iasi, where the great loveof his life, Veronica Micle, lived and became director of theUniversity Library and the editor of the Iasi newspaper "The Time".He was also a member of the literary society "Junimea" ("The Youth").His first volume of poems was published by Titu Maiorescu, a greatRomanian literary critic, who had been a professor in Vienna andlater became Prime Minister of Romania (1910-1912). Besides hisliterary activity Eminescu had a plenty publicistic activity. In hisarticles, he vehemently attacked the corrupted Romanian politicalclass of that time. Also many of his poems have a political colour.Philosophy, nature and love were also a great source of inspirationfor his poems. He died on the 15th of June 1889 at the age of 39,leaving

through his poems a great treasure to the Romanianliterature.

Alina Campan

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Famous Romanian Musicians

There are lands of the song and lands of thetourists; Romania is both of them. For centuries the foreigntravellers have admired its mountains full of dreams and its riversrunning seaward as well as its music. Here, the rustic tenderness andthe vivid landscape joined the industrious hand of man, the maker ofculture and civilization. And from the depth of history, music hasalways been a sign of nobility for the Romanian people, able toconvert its rich soul into the concentrated dramatic lyricism of the"doina", its lust for life into the whirling sounds of stringsbelonging to the country dances and its tendency to myth and legendinto songs of diaphanous melancholy. From this rich and inexhaustiblesource the Romanian composers got their inspiration, creating worksof great popularity. Many of these works passed beyond the boundariesof our country to carry the fame of Romanian musicality all over theworld. Ours is a special kind of musicality, quite unmistakable,consisting of the original generous melody mixed to the pulsatingrhythm of spring and the warmth of the sincere feelings spontaneouslyand directly communicated.

George Enescu (1881-1955) composed the "RhapsodyNo.1 in FA major" at the beginning of this century, but its inspiredidiom is still unaffected by time, preserving entirely its freshnessand novelty. Using motive from the fiddler's and folk songs anddances, the great Romanian composer enriched the national anduniversal music with a jewel which arose the enthusiasm of thousandsand thousands of listeners all over the world. The "Rhapsody" hasbeen performed by the most outstanding orchestras and conductors.

Ciprian Porumbescu (1853-1883), the author of a"Ballad" for violin and piano (or orchestra) most famous, thanks toits rafined melancholy ennobling the songlike melody, is one of thefirst Romanian composers who infered the great stimulating virtues ofmusic. Beside this charming sonorous meditation his songs and choralworks are now a valuable part of the living thesaurus of the Romanianart.

Stefania Muresan

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Famous Romanian Scientists

Spiru Haret

Spiru Haret was a scientist, university professor,academician, minister of education, organizer and leader of social,economic, educational, cultural and jurnalistic activities. He was aneminent mathematician too. The subject of the thesis he submitted fora doctor's degree about the problem of the stability of our planetarysystem had been studied before by some famous astronomers as Kepler,Newton, Laplace. Laplace upheld a theory according to which the solarsystem was stable. Spiru Haret mathematically proved that there aresecular variations of the big axes and that we can therefore speak ofan instability of our planetary system. A hundred years ago, SpiruHaret laid the foundations of a modern course on rational mechanics,a branch which was developed considerably in recent years. He was anexcellent teacher and realized that a theacher should be not only ascientist, but also an educator, a man who trains his students towork hard and do their duty, who promotes patriotism, honesty andtruth. In recognition of is remarkable merits of a pioneerinastronomy, on March 9, 1976, the director of Harvard UniversityObservatory gave Haret's name to a crater on the invisible side ofthe moon. His educational activity was remarkable for his steadypreoccupation to link school with life and practical activity. Atuniversity level, greater emphasis was laid on practical activitieswhich were promoted in laboratories, clinics, seminars. Heassociatted theoretical study with practical training and scientificresearch. Spiru Haret constantly supported the cause of the peasantsby upholding the progressive thesis according to which agriculturemust be intensive and production must be turned to account. Haretalso cotributed to the preservation of our historical monuments bysupporting the restauration of these illustrative monuments for thedevelopment of Romanian architecture and art.

Rares Indrei

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Emil Racovita

He is one of the greatest Romanian evolutionistscientists. Emil Racovita attended the highschool at Iasi and hecontinued his studies in Laws and then in Natural Sciences at Paris.At 25 years old he becomes a member of the Society of Zoology inFrance and at 29 he embarks on the Belgica Ship for an expedition toAntartica. For two years (1897-1899) he colected a vast zoologicaland botanical material, searching the life of whales, penguins andseals. In 1907 he began to search over 1500 caves in differentcountries. In 1907 he founded a new science with an echologicalcontent - Biospeology - which studies creatures living in caves. Hewas a member and chairman of the Romanian Academy and president ofhonour of the Society of Zoology in France. In 1920 he founded atCluj the first institute of speology in the world.

Anca Osan

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Romanian Pioneers in the WorldAviation

Aurel Vlaicu (1882-1913) was an airplaneconstructor engineer, an inventor and a pilot, one of the pioneers ofthe world aviation. He designed and built two monoplane airplanes in1911 and he achieved great flying performances for that period. In1913 he built the first plane made of metal in the world. Unhappily,in the same year he had a terrible accident, which caused his death;while trying to cross the Carpathian mountains he crashed down nearCampina.

Traian Vuia (1872-1953) was a great inventor andairplanes constructor. He built the first airplane in the world thatcould lift up from the earth due to the force of its own engine. Thisplane was patented in France and on the 18th of March 1906 he madethe first flight in the world, using the own board means of anairplane constructed by him. He has also designed and achieved twotypes of helicopters and an original steam generator, known as theVuia generator. He also used for the first time in the world alanding train with pneumatic wheels.

Henri Coanda (1886-1972) was a great Romanianengineer and scientist, one of the greatest pioneers in the modernaviation. In 1910, he designed the first jet plane in the world.Between 1911-1914 he designed and built several types of planes,known as the "Bristol Coanda". In 1934 he discovered the effect thatwas named Coanda, after his name, with numerous practicalapplications in different technical branches.

Iuliu Pop

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Great Romanian Patriots

Nicolae Iorga

Nicolae Iorga was born on the 6th of June, 1871,at Botosani, Romania. Nicolae Iorga was an outstanding representativeof the Romanian culture. He was a man of science, historian andphilologist, literary historian and critic, poet and translator. As apolitician, he was also a member of the Parliament, senator, ministerand leader of party. In 1907 Iorga sent financial helps to bedistributed to the widows and the orphans and shared land to thevillagers. He was a patriot and a democrat, a man of culture ofinternational value. As a historian he represented the intelectualforce that fought for the benefit and pride of the society he livedin.

Ana Maria Tarcsafalvi

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Stephan the Great

Stephen the great

       Stephan theGreat was one of the greatest leaders in the fights for Romanians'liberty in the 15th century. He rulled Moldavia, eastern part of ourcountry, between 1457-1504. During his leadership, he did his best toincrease the country's welfare. Beautiful churches and monasterieswere built at his order by skilled builders and painted by thegreatest painters of that time. His most important wish was thatMoldavia should be an independent country and stop paying a tributeto the Ottoman Empire. He knew that it was not possible unless heendowed his army with good arms. The first battle against the Turkstook place at Vaslui, in 1475, where the Romanian army defeated theTurkish one. It was a great victory, considering that the Romanianarmy consisted in 40000 soldiers and the Turkish one in more than120000 soldiers. Over 40 battles followed and almost all were won byStephan's army. After 47 years of rulling the country of Moldavia, hedied and was burried at Putna Monastry. Because he was such a greatleader and a lover of liberty and country, he was named "the Great"by the Romanian people.

Ana Maria Tarcsafalvi

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian " Highschool


Important Representatives of theRomanian Sport

Anghel Iordanescu

       AnghelIordanescu is a great Romanian football coach today. He started hisfootball player career in 1968 at the "Steaua" Club, where he playeduntil 1982. At 17 years old he used to play football in our nationaljuniors team. At the age of 18 he became one of the youngest titularsof Stefan Covaci, a coach for whom value is not measured in years. Healso played in Ghencea team, where he marked 156 goals in 317matches. Between 1981 and 1982 he was the goalgetter of the firstdivision with twenty successes. He dressed up for 64 times theT-shirt of the National team, where he marked 26 goals. As a coach,he is one of the few people who had a great and direct contributionto three of the greatest moments in the Romanian football: thevictory of CCE and supercup with Steaua and the calification forWorld Cup '94. In 1990, taking the relay race from Emerich Jenei,Iordanescu is taking his team to the Finals of the most importantEuropean competitions. He came back in the country and won theChampionship, playing against "Steaua". On the 24th of June 1993 he'snamed the selectioner of our National team. Francesca Maturana saidthat Anghel Iordanescu was the smartest coach he had everseen.

Andrei Oana

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Ghita Muresan

       Ghita Muresan isthe first Romanian basketball player in the NBA. His height of 2.07metres when he was 14 was a problem for him. His mother was worriedabout this height and the doctor from in his village sent him toCluj. Later Ghita Muresan became a student at the PedagogicalHighschool in Cluj, member of the Juniors team of CSS "Viitorul".After 2 years the "Viitorul" won the juniors' II title and thejuniors' I bronze. Then Ghita is selected in the National Juniors' I.On the 28th of June 1993, Ghita had the chance to be the firstRomanian in the NBA. The NBA TV reporter would say about him that hewas the player in the greatest progress. Ghita replies that thesatisfaction to play in this extraordinary championship makes youforget about all the hardships you go through.

Dan Rus

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Adrian Voinea

       Adrian Voineais a tennis player. He was born in the 6th of August, 1964. His signof the zodiac is Lion. He started to play tennis when he was nine.Adrian went on the ground first as a game, under the guidance ofGeorge Bucuroi. His first racket was a Mourili Dunlop. When he wastwelve, he went to Bucharest and when he was fifteen he went toItaly, where he is still living. He likes McEnroe very much. Hethinks that McEnroe has a unique style which is impossible to becoppied. During his career his parents have been next to him andsupported him even they have been far when he was on tour. This yearthe Romanians saw him coming up to the second round to Melbourne,where, unfortunately, he was defeated by Sampras. He can do the bestthe blows from the botton of the ground. His training programme takeshim three - four hours every day and before matches it is very strictand severe. In his spare time, he listens to music or watches TV. Helikes relaxing melodies. Before going to the ground he likes to beseparated from the other people and he stays in a room where he feelsat ease, because he wants to concentrate about the match. He wouldlike the Romanian tennis team to equalize the Nastase and Tiriac'ssuccesses, being for three times finalists of the Davis Cup. It's andideal which is very hard to become true but everything is possible.If not at least to maintain his present position.

Rares Indrei

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Nadia Comaneci

       NadiaComaneci was one of the greatest gymnast of the world. She iswellknown as being the first in the history of gymnastics whoreceived an unprecedent score 10.00 from the judges for herperformance on the uneven bars, captivating her fans and media andbeing the youngest in the history of gymnastics. Nadia Comaneci wasthe revelation of the Olympic Games that took place at Montreal, in1976. She was the most popular and loved gymnast of the 21st editionof the Olympic Games. Nadia was born on the 12th of November 1961, atOnesti, a small town in Romania. She was trained by a very skilledcoach, Bela Karoly, who started to train her since she was threeyears old. At present, he is the coach of the American gymnasticsteam. Nadia worked very hard, at 6 years old practising more thanthree trainings a day. At 8 years old she participated in thenational championship with another four colleagues and they won thefirst place. A year later they won again the first place. In the nextfew years Karoly's team was very succesfull. At only 11 years she wontwo gold medals and at 14 years old she was the European champion atSkien. The same titles were won by Nadia at 16 and 18 years old, atPraga and Copenhaga. In 1976, at Montreal, she won three gold medalsat uneven bars, ballance beam, all - around, silver medal at team,and bronze medal at floor exercise. In 1979, at the World Cup, shewon the gold medals in all - around, ballance beam and uneven bars.In 1980, at the Olympic Games at Moscow, she won two gold medals, atballance beam and floor exercise, two silver medals, at all - aroundand team. In 1981, at the World University Games, Nadia won goldmedals in all six gimnastics events. In 1989, before the Revolutionof December, she managed to run away from Romania to America. Thereshe had to pass through a lot of hardships, but finally she succeededto get rid of them. She met the man of her dreams, Bart Conner, whohelped her find the too much expected happiness. They got married andlive there now and, currently, they perform exhibitions in the US andMexico. For us, the Romanians, Nadia Comaneci will always remain "thelittle girl who hasn't forgotten anything" - as her coach named her -because thanks to her courage and talent she the whole world couldhear about Romania and we are vrey proud of her, no matter whereshe's living.

Andreea Vekony

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool


Famous People fromUnited States of America

from Aden PlaceElementary School:

Devon Sawa

A famous person I like is Devon Sawa. I like himbecause he's a good actor and he's hot. He was in the movies "Casper"and "Little Giants". I've seen "Casper" and it was good. Now I havethat movie. I've never seen "Little Giants" and I never even knew hewas in it, but my friend said he was. There's a knew movie coming outwith him in it and I want to see it. It is supposed to begood.

Becky Raymond

Alden Place Elementary School


George Washington

George Washington is a famous person in ourcountry. He was a general in the army during the Revolutionary War,and our first president. Many people honor him as a great general.One myth about him is that he chopped down his fathers beloved cherrytree with a axe he recieved as a gift. I think he is as famous aspeople say he is because he always recieves alot of attention. Ipersonally am tired of learning about him because I have learnedabout him scince first grade. Insted of studying him for all thattime I would rather have learned about less famous presidents.

Laura Donovan

Alden Place Elementary School


Adam Sandler

He's very funny and he made three movies. Thefirst one is about him going back to school to take over his fathersbusiness. The second is about him as a golfer who can hit the ballvery far and plays in some golf tournaments. The third one is abouthim as a drug dealer and stares in it with Damon Wanyns. He has somestand up comedy shows and four comedy tapes. I think He is funny andso do a lot of other people. I also admire his stupidity.

Kyle Egger

Alden Place Elementary School


Rosie O'Donald

My famous person is Rosie O'Donald. I like herbecause she is funny she doesn't care what other people think abouther. She has her own talk show and she gives a lot of money tocharity.

Mark Leitem

Alden Place Elementary School


Pauly Shore

Pauly Shore is a famous comedian. At first hestarted out as a stand up comic, but managed to make his way intomovies. Now Pauly Shore stars in many comedies. My two favoritemovies that he stars in are Bio-Dome, and in the army now. He is afamous person because he makes people laugh, and is one of myfavorite comedians. That's why chose him to write about.

Stacey Schmouth

Alden Place Elementary School


Dave McGary

My famous person is Dave McGary. Dave is my famousperson because he sculpts and paints horses. He made a sculpture of ahorse on it's backfeet. In his painting he had the sculpture in thebackground. Also in the picture are a Thoroughbred, Quarter horse,Appaloosa, Paint mare and foal, Arabian, Morgan, and Standardbred.His work is good and looks like real horses.

Kim Macy

Alden Place Elementary School


Alison Firestone

My famous person is Alison Firestone because shewent to the Grand Prix, and she represented the USET's young ridersprogram on several occasions. She went to the North American YoungRiders Championships in 1992. She did very good in the USET's OlympicSelection Trials, finishing fault freeon Major.

Christi Galvin

Alden Place Elementary School


Chuck Norris

The famous person I like is Chuck Norris. I likehim because he is a really nice person and he has a huge heart. Plushe's a really good actor. And that is why I like him.

Sarah Kading

Alden Place Elementary School


Sean Connery

The famous person I like is Sean Connery. Heplayed lots of roles in really cool movies like The Rock, The Huntfor Red October, and Dragon Heart. His accent is really cool and heis a good at playing Russian roles.

Chris Johnson

Alden Place Elementary School


from George M.Veriry Middle School:

Famous Actors

There are a lot of people here where we live. Notmany from Kentucky, but well known to everybody. A couple of actorsare Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. They are the most respected actors inAmerica. Everybody loves themand thinks they are two of the cutestpeople on earth. Tom Cruise is 33 years old and is married to actressNicole Kidman. They met on the set of "Days Of Thunder" and have beentogether ever since. They adopted two kids, a boy and a girl. I amnot sure of their names. Some movies that he has been in is "Far AndAway" With Wife Nicole, "Mission Impossible", "Interview With TheVampire" and "Days Of Thunder". Brad Pitt is 33 years old and isengaged to actress Gwenth Paltrow. They met on the set of "Seven"where they played husband and wife. They have been together eversince. Some of the movies he has been in is "Interview With TheVampire", "Seven", and "Legends of the Fall". They are great movies!Some famous music groups are No Doubt and Bush. They arre from allover the world and are very famous in the United States. Bush is agroup from London, England. Their lead singer, Gavin Rossdale, isvery well known for is great voice and good looks. He plays the leadguitar and has lead vocals. He is a great singer and they are a greatband! Their hit song is "Glycerine". No Doubt is from California. Thelead singer, Gwen Steffani, is dating the lead singer of Bush, GavinRossdale. No Doubt is a great group and is very popular here in

the states. Some of their hit songs are"Spiderwebs" and "Don't Speak". They are really good songs andeverybody likes them !!!


G. Verity Middle School


Niki Taylor

I am writing you about Niki Taylor. I decided towrite her because she is a pretty famous person, she's a supermodeland also my idol. In one of my seventeen magazines it talks about herand how she became a model and a lot of stuff talking about herchildhood; also in that issue it talked about Krissie Taylor hersister which was also a model who past away in '95 of asthma. Nikiand Krissie were very close, but luckily Niki has moved on. She hasalready travelled most of the world and she's still moving along.Niki models for cover girl make-up and she's one of the world's topmodels, and a very beautiful one too.

Michelle Maynard

Verity Middle School


from Mill CreekMiddle School

Thomas Alva Edison

A famous American that I feel was a greatimportance to our country is Thomas Alva Edison. I feel this waybecause Edison invented a few of our most prized possessions. Some ofthese inventions include, electrical lighting, the phonograph,improvements on the telegraph, telephone, and motion picture. Try toimagine a world without electrical light. That's what the world wouldbe like if it weren't for Edison. During Edison's life, which lastedfrom 1847-1931, his accomplishments were greatly recognized. Franceappointed Edison to the League of Honor in 1878. In 1928, U.S.Congress presented Edison with a Medal of Honor. Edison headed theNaval Consulting Board of the U.S. and aided the war effort during World War I. Edison's life ended on October 18, 1931 in his bed located in Llewellyn Park. Besides Edison's inventions that I have already mentioned, there is still another important invention of his. This invention was the first modern research lab. This development is said to be Edison's greatest achievement. Even if this was Edison's greatest achievements, I think all of his inventions were very great and important.

Brett Leffler

Mill Creek Middle School


Kurt Cobain

Kurt cobain was born in a small town in Seattle, called Aberdeen. He grew up on rock music such as Led Zeppelin and AC/DC sounds that he would later incorporate into his own playing. Kurt and his trio known as Nirvana came to fame during a kind of rock depression. He mixed punk and rock to make what we know as alternative. Unfortunately he committed suicide and ended his music career when he was 27 years old. Kurt was and still is a big influence on modern rock and to me as guitar player.


Mill Creek Middle School


Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson, an American singer, dancer and song writer, is one of the most exciting performers of pop music. His album "Thriller" (1982) became the largest selling album ever recorded. "Thriller" has sold about 40 million copies throughout the world. His (1987) album "BAD" also was a major hit. Jackson's music combines soul, rhythm & blues, and rock. His rhythmic dancing highlights his live performance. In 1994, Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of the extremely famous American rock singer, Elvis Presley, also known as "The King". Michael Jackson's sister, Janet, is also a successful pop star. Michael is now divorced. Michael Jackson is the king of tabloids and humorous media. Everywhere you go, Michael Jackson is constantly being criticized and joked about. Most of the jokes and rumors are about his bleached white skin, many nose jobs, his monkey (Bubbles), and the case of Michael Jackson molesting a 12 year old boy.

Jake Murphree

Mill Creek Middle School


Babe Ruth

Born in 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A. He began his baseball career in 1914 with the Baltimore Orioles. Later that year he joined the Boston Red Soxs as their pitcher. In 1916 and 1918 they won the World Series (major tournament of baseball). Babe Ruth pitched 29 consecutive scoreless innings. But he had even greater talent as a hitter. In 1920 they sold Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees, in 1927 Ruth hit a total of 714 home runs in the season. Ruth hit an average of 714 homers during his career. He ended his career in 1935 with the Boston Braves. Babe Ruth died in August 16, 1948. He is still known today as one of the Americans greatest baseball players.

Jesse York

Mill Creek Middle School


Isiah Thomas

Isiah Lord Thomas III was born on April 30, 1961 in Chicago, Illinois. He was the ninth and last child of Mary and Isiah Thomas II. The Thomas family lived in one of the roughest parts of Chicago. The family was taught to stick together. When Isiah Thomas was a baby, his father lost his job. After that, his family was always struggling. Soon after Isiah Thomas' parents were separated and Mrs. Thomas was left to bring up nine kids. All Isiah's life he wanted to be a basketball player. As soon as Isiah hit a basketball court, all eyes were on him. When Isiah Thomas was old enough he joined the high school team. His effort on the team helped to pull the high school team to a championship. Of course Thomas moved on to bigger and better things. Isiah went through three years of college at Indiana University, where he learned a lot about team word. In 1981 he was drafted second to the Detroit Pistons. While at Detroit, he helped the pistons win back to back (88-89,89-90) championships. Now Isiah Thomas is retired but helps manage part of a NBA team called "Toronto Rapters". Isiah Thomas holds eight out of 11 Piston career stats. He held them in the following categories: games played, field goals made, free throws made, steals, seasons played, field goals attempted, free throws attempted and assists.

Kris Raiford

Mill Creek Middle School


Bob Dylan

He's an American folk singer, musician, and composer. Most of his songs were about social problems. His songs made him a symbol of protest by young people against what they considered the wrongs of society. One of his best known songs are "Like a Rolling Stone" (1965). Bob Dylan was born in Duluth, Minn. His real name was Robert Zimmerman. By the age of 15 he could play the piano, guitar, and harmonica. Woody Guthrie greatly influenced Dylan when he visited New York in 1960. In 1963 he met Joan Baez who made him nationally famous. In a recent interview with Gino Castaldo a reporter from La Republica, Bob Dylan states he is going classical. Q: "What is your next dream come true? A: Well my next dream is to make a record of classical music." I'm already working with a symphony orchestra... maybe one day... Well, I guess anyone really can do anything they want to do even if they are labeled to a certain kind of music.

Mathias Maloff

Mill Creek Middle School


from W. B. Evans Middle School:

My Hero

My hero is my mother, Karen Diane Greene. Sche's been there for me through thick and thin. She has always taught me right from wrong, takes care of me, and gives me lots of love. My dad does not live with us. My mom was a pregnant teen in high school, but she never stopped going to school or working. My two sisters and a brother have everything we need and want. We have plenty of everything. Someday, I would like to be a great example for my children, just as my mother is for me.

Jareese Greene

W. B. Evans Middle School


Famous People from Canada

from St. Patrick's High School:


Snowmobiles were invented in Canada by a hard working guy called Joseph Armand-Bombardier. Snowmobiles were invented in the 1930's and had most of the same features as today. I'm sure that the only thing that has changed is a faster motor and people can afford them but I don't know, yet! Snowmobiles where used for sports like motorcycles with stearing handles but have a type of skies for snow. Snowmobiles are mostly used in the north poles because of their slick handling in the snow, it even took out the dog sleds but they still use dog sleds today for long journeys because they don't us up gas. In North America snowmobiles are used mostly for sport like racing and entertainment instead of using them for long journeys. I've never tried a snowmobile before but it looks really fun, because of its good handling. You can use it during winter and there are not many vehicles that can! A guy I know has one and doesn't stop bragging about it, he gets a bit annoying. Myself, I find that Mr. Bombardier had a great idea to make this machine because it has saved many lives during storms plus it's a great sport.

Ken Corriveau

St. Patrick's High School


John Candy

John Candy was one of the best and famous Canadien actor, in fact he still is. In 36 years, he made 40 movies, well, he played in 40 movies in which he was the main actor. Thirty one of them were comedy movies and the other nine were drama, adventure and children movies. In his first two movies he was only 18 years old; they were: "Find the Lady" and "Tunnel Vision", two comedies. He came to The Second City in the early seventies (he was about 20 years old). He arrived there with his stunning character which was more than lovable. With his personal touch Candy became easily a favorite at the Chicago theater, on SCTV and on the Toronto stage. At the same time, he was acting in movies he became part owner of the Argos football team with Bruce McNall and Wayne Gretzky. It was an honour for him to be the owner of his childhood football team in his homeland (Toronto). The first year of Candy's ownership it went super well for the Argos. They won the Grey Cup. Candy was a good and hard worker for his own team as well as the CFL. Even with his job he took the time to know every player personaly as a friend. After the first season was finished it didn't go so well, things were going downhill. It was a big shock for the Argos' community to learn about the sudden death of Candy. Not only was it a big shock for them but for all his fans and friends too. Candy died of a heart attack, I read that it was a "Mexican heart attack". It happen in Mexico when he was making the movie Wagnons East, on March fourth 1994. John Candy's funeral was broadcasted live on TV from St. Michael's Cathedral, the whole team honored him in their 1994 season opener. Not only did they lose their owner but a very close friend. His fan's have a different way of honouring John Candy. Each year there's a John Candy Film Festival. Also this year they will be a new postage stamp on the market in his honour as proof of his popularity. All his fan's will remember him as the funnies actor and the most lovable one.

Maureen Bisson

St. Patrick's High School


Jean-Luc Brassard

Jean-Luc Brassard, a freestyle skier, is a world champion. He always thought of world champions as super humans, people who had magical qualities he didn't possess. He thinks that world champions have to be six feet tall and 250 pounds. But he does have what it takes to be a champion: willingness to work hard and learn, plus a lot of talent. He thinks that athletes think that their sport is the most important thing in the world. But not him. He thinks that sometimes athletes receive too much admiration. When he started to ski, at 7 years old, he hated the sport. All the heavy equipment and it was so cold outside. But when he had a little more experience, he fell in love with it. To him, its not important to win, but to have fun. If you concentrate to much on winning, you fail. Here are some facts about him:he won a gold medal in moguls at the 1993 World freestyle Skiing Championship in Austria; seventh-place finish at the 1992 Winter Olympics; overall World Cup moguls champion, 1992-1993.

Kelly-Ann Bedard

St. Patrick's High School


Celine Dion

Celine Dion is a very well known celebrity in Canada. She is a singer. I bet you already know her since she has won lots of Grammy Awards. Almost everybody enjoys her singing talents. She was born in the province of Quebec. She speaks both English and French, but most of her songs are sung in English. She has gone almost all over Canada to sing for the different cities. A couple of her songs that are quite popular are, "It's All Coming Back To Me Now", "Falling Into You", and "All By Myself". In her school years, she has gone only up to grade nine and then she quitted to become a singer. Now she really regrets it. She is very proud of being an international singer who is known throughout most countries of the world. She is also part of a group of people who helps young children who are suffering of a disease which is known as the "Cystic Fibrosis", since her niece died of that disease. She also sponsors other organizations for many different things. She owns a Nickels franchise restaurant. A few years ago she got married to a guy named Rene Angelile, who is her singing manager. He is very tough to have got married to her. To their wedding she invited anyone who wanted to come. Once Oprah Whinfrey brought twenty people to Disney Land and there she met a couple who wanted to get married, so she organized their wedding and asked Celine Dion to sing for the wedding and she accepted. I think that Celine is a very courageous women to have gone through all she has accomplished up to now. That is why I have decided to choose her.

Sophie Nadeau

St. Patrick's High School


Patrick Roy

Patrick Roy, to me, is the best goalie of all time. He invented the butterfly (which I love to use when I'm a goalie playing hockey). The butterfly is Patrick's favorite technique to stop the puck. Patrick Roy is 6'0" tall and 182 lbs. He was born October 5 1965 in Quebec City, Quebec. He catches with his left hand. His nickname is St. Patrick. His sister graduated from our school and he came here to her graduation and he signed autographs. Patrick, in the 1990-91 season was the goals against average leader (2,53). His goals against average meant that he would let in an average 2 goals/game. He faced 1524 shots in 82 games that season. Pat won the most important trophy for goalies twice in his whole career, the Vezina Trophy. Pat has been playing for about 10 seasons and has been traded only once from the Montreal Canadiens to the new organization The Colorodo Avalanche (my favorite team). He has won 3 Stanley Cups, the most recent was last season (1995-96), one on the Colorodo Avalanche and two on the Montreal Canadiens. Patrick has won 22 games, lost 15 and he has tied once in the 1996-97 season. This season his goals against average is 2,68. Patrick has two shutouts this season and has thirty two shutouts in his whole career. His number is 33. He saved a quebecois team from becoming an American team by buying the Harfans de Beauport.

Nelson Fernandes

St. Patrick's High School


Paul Kariya

Paul Kariya is a hockey player born in 1974 in October 16 from Vancouver, British Columbia. Paul Kariya weighs 165 pounds, measures 5'10". Paul Kariya shoots left and he is called the future Wayne Gretzky. Paul Kariya was drafted in 1993, he was fourth overall and was drafted by the Anaheim Mighty Ducks. Paul Kariya was named the Michael Jordan of Junior Hockey in British Columbia. Paul Kariya won two trophies in Junior Hockey the Hobey Baker memorial Award and the Maine Black Bear because of his 18 goals and 21 assists in 47 games with Anaheim. Paul Kariya played with team Canada in 1993 in the World Championships in Germany when he was 19 years old. Paul's magnificent stickhandling electrifise all his opponents. Paul Kariya's stats are 1990-1991 with team Penticton in British Columbia Junior Hockey League scored 112 points in 54 games,

1991-1992 with team Canada in World Junior Championship scored 2 points in 6 games. 1991-1992 with team Penticton in British Columbia Junior Hockey League scored 132 points in 41 games.1992-1993 with team Canada in World Junior Championship scored 8 points in 7 games. 1992-1993 with U.Maine in HEast scored 100 points in 39 games. In the past two years Paul Kariya didn't play a lot of games because of injuries, but still he made a lot of points. Paul is a future Wayne Gretzky.

Eric Muise

St. Patrick's High School


Jim Carrey

Well, maybe you are surprised to hear that Jim Carrey is a Canadian celebrity. I don't know why most people have never thought of him as a Canadian actor. Maybe it's because most of his movies are published in America and also that he is English. We all know of the famous movie Dumb and Dumber which was the number one film of the holiday season for male adolescents. Other movies that Jim Carrey plays in, are Ace Ventura (Pet Detective), Ace Ventura (When nature calls), The Mask, The Cable Guy and Dumb and Dumber. Jim Carrey developed his sense of humor as a teenager to try to hide his anger. It started out that his father lost his job and Jim Carrey had to work eight long hours as a janitor while living with his family in a camper. In school he would always fall asleep because of his long hours of working. He also didn't have any friends because he didn't want them. Jim Carrey was married and is now divorced. After the divorce, Jim Carrey had to give 7 million dollars to his ex-wife, but happily for him, he received 20 million dollars for the movie The Cable Guy. The movie The Cable Guy was his most serious movie that he has played in. Just to leave you in touch with the latest news of Jim Carrey, his new movie which is called Liar, Liar is just about to come out soon in the theaters.

Sarah Louise L.

St. Patrick's High School


Famous Canadian Sportmen

Larry Tanenbaum, attempted, in 1991, to buy the Denver Nuggets, and latter on the San Antonio Spurs. Obviously the league wanted these teams to stay put. In 1992, the league accepted Tanenbaum's wanting a team. Complete with an unrefundable 135000$ cheque, he was allowed to have an expantion franchise. The Raptors were then born. Standing at the bottom of the league, the Raptors lost almost all of thier games but in 1993, they started to win a bit more games but they still skipped the playoffs. 1994, 1995 and 1996 were all the same. Finally, in 1997, they look like they are going to make the playoffs. This outragious improvement is all due to thier coach, Mr.William, because after watching the best team in the N.B.A., which was, at that time, the Chicago Bulls which are still the top No.1 team in the National Basketball Association. The following years look very promising for the Toronto Raptors, very promising. Who knows, maybe they will, one day, take the Bulls' place as No.1 team in the N.B.A.

Standing 5 feet 4 inches, Daemon Stoudamire, a Raptor player, is my all time favorite B-Ball player. He is one of the best point-guards in the N.B.A. He is also one of the best 3-point Shooter in the league. I'm sure that he will, one day, take the head and be the all time best B-Ball player and will make his team, the Toronto Raptors the best.

Jonathan Micheal Burns

St. Patrick's High School


Jacques Villeneuve

This Canadian celebrity was born in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu in Quebec April 9, 1971. His father, Gilles Villeneuve, died in a major Formula 1 accident in May of 1982. Who else could this be besides Jacques Villeneuve? Jacque's father was also a Formula 1 "hero". They would sleep at the race track in their motor home. Jacques was always a mischievous boy, if he could get a chance to play a trick on someone he would, along with his sister Melanie. While his father raced he would trace tracks in the sand for his miniature cars. He was completely at home in this amazing world of racing. But that world was broken in May 1982, when his father had a major car accident while racing in Montreal. Everything happened in a flash. Jacques didn't witteness the accident. Perhaps if he did he wouldn't be racing today. After his father's tragic death, Jacques led the normal life of a teenager. Going to school at Beau-Soleil College in Villars-sur-Ollon. Villeneuve was a restless strong-headed student. He was string in math and liked sports. He then started skiing at a level which pointed at a professional career. But beneath this urge to ski he actually wanted to race cars. He didn't race because of his father, but because he liked it. Jacques' first race was in Italy in the Alfa Romeo Trophy then continued on to race in Formula 3. Unfortunately, he developed a reputation for having the habit of getting into major collisions and accidents. In Europe he wasn't known as "Jacques Villeneuve" but always as "Gilles Son" Two years ago Jacques started racing Formula 1 and has become a Canadian celebrity.

Steven Wong

St. Patrick's High School


Jean Cretian

Jean Crétian is a very important man, especially since Quebec was threatened to be seperated from Canada. If we talk about Jean personally, he is a generous and kind man. A lot of times on T.V when he was doing his speechs you saw in his gestures and in his words how willing he was to aime for his goal. Everything he said at every speech he did, he always meant with emossion. What he said also touched many people, not to hurt them but to change their mind if they were aiming for something wrong. Jean is a person who goes for something and doesn't give up no matter what ever trys to stand in his way. He is not the kind of person who will get jealous. When they had to elect another Prime Minister after him he was sitting in the audience smiling without jealousy. Now he is Prime Minister again. So many people look up to him, its icredible, so many people depend on him for many different things. As you can see everything I mentioned on Jean Crétian is good, but all he has done is good. Jean Crétian will always be important to Quebec no matter what happens.

Melissa O'Connor-Lemieux

St. Patrick's High School


Louis Cyr

Though you may never have heard of him, Louis Cyr accomplished many great things during his life. He was born in St. Cyprien de Napierville in Quebec. Strong as a bull he surprised the world with his enormous strength. Everywhere in the world people talked about how he could lift extraordinary weights. He was known to have pushed a wagon that was filled with very heavy materials and boxes. He was also known to have lifted a platform that weighed one thousand nine hundred and sixty nine kilograms onto his enormously muscular shoulders. He lifted with one hand only, a barrel of cement that weighed one hundred and ninety seven kilograms up to his shoulders. He lifted with one finger a two hundred and forty two kilogram weight. He also resisted the force of four big horses tied to his arms going in different directions. Another great exploit was when he twirled two men in the air who were holding on to his hair. Louis Cyr was born in 1863 and died in 1912, at the age of forty nine. None of his records had been known to be beaten during his rather short life time. I don't really think that all of his records have been beaten up until this day, because they were so outstanding. All of these things would sort of explain why he was known as the Samson of Canada, as in the Samson in the Bible, who could beat everyone and everything in the world. So I think that this proves you don't need steroids to be strong.

Michael Cannon

St. Patrick's High School


A Celebrity In Her Own Team

Seeing the torch for the Olympics games is quite special. So imagine your self playing for your country for whatever sport. Well 36 years old; six - foot; two inch Andrea Blackwell got that luck. She went to Atlanta to represent Canada's Women Basketball team. Andrea Blackwell is not known for any other thing but basketball. Even though she plays "forward"; during her game she is mostly known for sweating. All this took place at an important qualifying game for the Olympics. She was sweating so much that she asked one of her teammates if they could trade shorts; during their last fourth quarter time-out. She joined a squad at 16 years old at Bishop's University in Lennoxville; Quebec and played professional basketball ever since. That was until she learned that she needed arthroscopic surgery on a right knee to repair a torn cartilage. But fortunately, the surgery went perfectly; and could continue playing the sport that she played a good part of her life. Going to the Olympics was Andrea Blackwell's dream. In 1984 her team won the bronze medal. Also in 1986 they won the world championships. I chose Andrea Blackwell because sometimes you don't have to look far to find a celebrity. I guess she is a terrific role model for young athletes. In other words if we didn't have any athletes, life would be pretty boring. And most of the time our major Canadian stars have gone to normal everyday schools with dreams that they have achieved. What I am trying to say is you can be a celebrity in your own team. I guess that Andrea Blackwell may not be known all over the world for what she does, but she is certainly a celebrity in her own team.

Julie White

St. Patrick's High School


Wayne Gretzky

My favorite Canadian celebrity is Wayne Gretzky. He is one of my favorite N.H.L. players. Wayne scored his first N.H.L. goal in 1979, Vancouver netminder Glen Hanlon who remarked years later, I Created a monster. Gretzky's first goal ever was scored low on the stick side on his grandma Mary, who doubled as babysitter and goalie when Wayne's mom and dad weren't at home. Wayne learned to skate at age two, began signing autographs at age ten, had a magazine article written about him at age eleven, and played pro hockey at night while attending highschool during the day. Not exactly your average childhood. Wayne idolized Gordie Howe and in minor hockey always wore Gordie's famed number 9. But when he got to Junior A with the Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds, number 9 had already been taken, so he tried both 19 and 14. It was his Junior A coach Muzz MacPhenson who suggested that Gretzky wear "99". In his first game wearing that number, Wayne had a hat trick and has had that number ever since. A little known fact: his nickname in junior hockey was "Pretzel" because of his hunched over skating style. He credits many people for his success, but first and foremost his parents, Walter and Phyllis. Canada's most famous dad had this advice for his son "Follow through on whatever you commit to". And "Don't get bigheaded on me. No matter how good you are, there's always someone better." I guess even Walter Gretzky is allowed to make one mistake. Patrick Hannon Legare

St. Patrick's High School


Jojo Savard

Jocelyne Savard, called Jojo, is Quebec astrologer. She has become a celebrity. Her face has launched millions of calls on late-night TV show from people seeking celestial guidance at the rate of $4.99 a minute. It's a very mysterious business. Over two million Canadians check into Jojo Savard's psychic alliance each days. Jojo was born in Quebec City. She was the daughter of a merchant marine officer whom he adored and scarless ever saw. After years of following her father from port to port, shunting Jojo and her two sister in and out of convent school, her mother finally gave up on the marriage. Constantly hamming for the family, Jojo spun her own fantasy world, whipping up costumes on her sewing machine and during a period only wearing pink. Jojo didn't know at that time ,but she had an unsettling gift. At five, she had begged her mother to hide her two years old brother in a closet because the angels were going to take him away in a train. Weeks later, he was killed in a freak railway accident. Jojo found herself in Vancouver in 1981, where she landed her first short-live job as a television astrologer. But when she went back in montreal, she got a call from a producer for CFCF TV, who hired her to read horoscopes on the station's morning show. After years, she became more popular. She has her own TV show. She can tell you everything that will happen to you. All you have to do is tell her the date of your birth and your name, you'll see !!!

Melanie Vaugeois

St. Patrick's High School


from J. V. Humphries School:

A Famous Person

This famous person most people don't know. This person was not famous to all Canadians but to this school, her family and her friends. She worked hard on the school board of J.V. Humphries for 22 years. She drove to meetings in New Denver during snowstorms, avalanches and all kinds of weather. She raised 7 kids till one of them died in 1985. She worked hard to keep her family going strong. She baked for bake sales and helped out in all school events her children were involved in. Her name was Shelagh Leathwood and she was my grandmother. She married Stan Leathwood and was married to him for 47 years. Her birthday was on January 28th. A few years ago she got exsema and had to carry an oxygen tank. She had it for 2 years till she gave up. On February 5th 1996 she decided not to take her pills. The next morning she awoke and fell back to sleep forever. On November 4th, 1996, our small gym was dedicated to her. Since we can't call rooms after people they named it after her favourite thing, the lighthouse beach. She once told me that I could be and do whatever I wanted. She was a famous person to me and always will be!

Alison Leathwood

J. V. Humphries School


John Candy

John Candy was an actor, comedian and even a writer but best known as a funny, wacky kind of guy. John Candy was born on Halloween night in Newmarket, Ontario. He began his career as a delivery boy for a napkin company as well as a shop keeper in Eaton's sporting goods department in Toronto. Candy was the son of a car salesman who died when John was only four. He was then raised by his mother, aunt and grandparents. After studying journalism in college, he started taking acting lesson. His first role was in David Freeman's Creeps in 1971. Then he did a commercial for Colgate Total's mouth wash, with Art Linkleletter. After the breakup of SCTV in 1983, Candy got entirely involved with movies. He had a small role in with Dan Aykroyd in a Steven Spielberg movie and a larger role in STRIPES, a flick about a fat, army recruit, who becomes a lean, mean, fighting machine. In 1985 Candy lost 70 pounds and was voted one of the top ten sexiest men in the United States by Playgirl Magazine. We like him because of his good humour, said editor Tommi Lewis. And his dynamic dimples. Unfortunetly, John Candy died in 1995, while filming the movie Wagon's East. Even though John Candy is gone I think this wacky guy will always be remembered.

Marny Pradl

J. V. Humphries School


Rick - A Famous Young Man

Rick was a normal young man of 15 but one night something happened that would change his life forever. He was hitchhiking and caught a ride in the back of a pickup truck. The truck crashed and when he came to, the doctor told him that he would not be able to use his legs ever again: he was a paraplegic. After a few months of reahabilation, Rick went back to high school and on to the university of B.C. There he got a degree in physical education. During high school and university Rick got involved in many competitive wheel chair sports. After university, on Ricks second competitive race, ever he won 14 minutes ahead of the other racers. This win was the first of 19 wins in a row. Ricks athletic successes led to his desire to wheel around the world. His idea partially influenced by Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope. Rick's fantasy came true on March 21 of 1985. He got some sponsors and a support team then set off from Vancouver. The reason why Rick wanted to do such a hard mission was to raise people's awareness about disabled people. He also wanted to raise money for the study of spinal injuries and other disabilities. Rick's Man in Motion tour started in Vancouver on March 21 1985, he went to 34 countries and 75 cities. Rick wheeled 24901.55 miles under his own power.

J. V. Humphries School


Famous Canadian Actors

We had one movie in Kaslo It was called Magic in the Water it was a pretty good movie. It was about a lake monster named Orky. Joshawa Jackson is a star in the movie. He stars in Mighty Ducks 1,2, and 3. My brother Alex was in it also. William Shatner he stars in Star Trek. He was James T.Kirk. He is the captain of the Star Ship Enterprise. William Shatner was born in Montreal in 1931 and he hasn't died yet. He was in Star Trek the movie 1, The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek 2 the search for Spok, The Journey home. And then T.V series began and then the never movie The Next Generation.


J. V. Humphries School



Famous People from Mexico

from Professor Moises Saenz Garza Middle School:

Pedro Infante

When you only hear his name in Mexico all the people remember his songs and some of his films. Well, I will tell you something about his life: Pedro Cruz Infante, the greatest Mexican idol, was born in the beautiful port of Mazatlan, Sinaloa, on November 18th, 1917 and he became one of the best singers and actors in my country, Mexico. Since he was a child he began to work very hard because his family had a lot economical problemas. He worked as carpenter and barber before he came in a musical group "La Rabia", since he felt a great attraction for music. In 1937 he knew Maria Luisa Leon, who will be later his wife. After a period of time Pedro and Maria got married. His first songs were "Enamorado"(lover) and "No se porque" (I do not know why) that gave him fame. After a short period of time he was contracted for singing in the films: "En un burro", "Tres baturros" and "El Organillero". In 1942 he acted in the films: "La Feria de las Flores" and "Jesusita en Chihuahua" which were directed by Rene Cardona who saw in him a good actor. His great future as an actor was born in this way. Pedro Infante saw his most beautiful dreams become true with his success as an actor and singer in his pictures. His success in movies increased every time and it did not stop. His music was very popular and in his free time he flew planes, his hobby. From 1946 to 1956 he acted in a lot of pictures like: "Tizoc", with this picture he got the award "Oso de Berlin" like the best actor and "Escuela de Rateros" that was his last film. Also he was nominated seven times for the award "Ariel". In 1957 happened an unexpected accident, the plane where he travelled smashed into the land. On April 18th, 1957 he was buried in the presence of 110 thousand people in Mexico City. Pedro took part in 61 films and recorded more than 300 songs without counting the songs of his pictures. 40 years ago his life ended but his soul will be in our hearts for ever.

Miguel Angel Ramírez

Professor Moises Saenz Garza Middle School


Raul Rangel Frias

Raul Rangel Frias was one of the most important governor of this state (Nuevo Leon) between 1955-1961. He was born here, in 1913. As a young boy he seemed to be a real leader, representing to his own class. At 16 years old he won an oratory contest. After high school he went to the Law School at the University. He finished it with honors in 1938. After this, he went into Literature and belonged to one group called "Barandal"; this was formed by writers, like Jose Alvarado, Octavio Paz and Salvador Toscano. He was an university rector, and he gave real support for education at this level. He spent most of his life giving a help for this cause. He was a "loving letters" and yielded long studies about History, assays and speeches, Biographies, Laws and philosophy. He died on April 8th, 1993, when he was 80 years old. He was a model citizen, that gave his best effort for education. He has been recognized as "Benemerito de Nuevo Leon" (An eminent man of this state), the best nomination for one person in our society.

Julia Maria Segovia and Paula Pascacio Serrano

Professor Moises Saenz Garza Middle School


Alfonso Reyes - The Universal Mexican

Monterrey had a great writer, who is considered as a favorite man, Alfonso Reyes. He was born in 1889 and died in Mexico city in 1959. When he was 16 years, he used to write deep poems that show us how brillant writer was. He studied a Law career, and his writings show us that he was a very important humanist. His stories and esseys have an European and Spaniard influences. "La vision de Anahuac" is sociological and philosophical essay. He also wrote dramas and poems. The Nuevo Leon University has a large hall called "Capilla Alfonsina" that contains all of his personal library, this one was donated by his sons for the community. Inside there, you can find out hand writings, books of his own. If you are lucky, you could find short comments of his personal lectures. You can feel the prescence of this person while you are inside of this place, because of the caracteristics of his writing. Because of his books, our culture has been well-known by the whole world.

Evaristo Quintanilla Rojas

Professor Moises Saenz Garza Middle School


Roberto Hernandez Vazquez

Roberto Hernandez Vazquez takes the junior by his father, since for him, he is the most important figure in his life. He was born in Leon Guanajuato in 1938. This commentator is maybe who has shaken many times to the people in this city. He has a potent voice, a deep spirituality and a great delivery to his work; in moments with a very peculiar South American tone, in other with certain nostalgia. In 1951, Hernández Jr. went to Irapuato, where began to transmit programs of 15 minutes in a radio station commenting about groups of rock of that time. On November 16tn, 1960, he arrives to RG, a station of Multimedia Gold Stars radio. He was living in Monterrey on January 25th, 1961 and he achieves to transmit by radio his program "Futbol al Día", in 1968 he begins to transmit it by television, this program has been one of the best in this city during this time. Currently, he writes for the editorial sports section of the newspaper "El Diario de Monterrey". In 1972 he was the host of the program "Muévanse todos!". He has worked to televisa like a narrator of soccer games and it has participated in various world of soccer. It could be said that he is the commentator of the city, since he supports the team of the city that it is called Tigres and he always speaks to the people with the truth. Hernández Jr. has tried to retire of the world of the soccer two times, one in his program of Futbol al dia! in May of 1981 and the other time was in the second time of a game America vs. Tigers in 1990. He had had many problems and tried to fleeing but the people did not let him, he says that he recalls a child who shouted him "Roberto, do not be a coward!". And since then he enjoys the emotional instants, moments but above all the happiness that the soccer gives him. This is one of so many important personages in my community: Mr. Roberto Hernández Jr.

Delia Elizabeth Estrada López

Professor Moises Saenz Garza Middle School


Octavio Paz

Octavio Paz is a writer born in Mixcoac, D.F. in 1914. Deep poet who belongs to the "Workshop generation", magazine founded in the year of 1938. He is the most eminent of that group interested by the social problems. Constructing of a new poetry in which are appreciated novel thematic procedures that influence on the literary movement of our days. His imagination and intelligence have deep seriousness. Among his most known works than we mention the following: Freedom under word, Root of the man, No will happen!, Under his clear shadow, Among the stone and the flower, To the border of the world, Seeds for a hymn, Sun Stone, The violent station, The arch and the lira, The labyrinth of the loneliness, The pears of the elm, etc. When you requested us to write about some notable Mexican people, immediately we think about Octavio Paz. We admire this man for his great creativity and his knowledge, so much, in the literature as in the policy. We would like to be as him because he has fought for the freedom, the democracy and the most important: for his ideal. When he was a student he participated in the revolt in which it was demanded the autonomy of the National University of Mexico and then he made a doctor degree in law in that university. We admire him for his preoccupation toward his country, since he established a secondary school for workers. It was so penetrated in politics that in 1937, he went to Spain to be adhered to the Republican faction of the Civil War and he participated in the alliance of intellectual antifascist. Paz is also one of the most notable essayists, that conserves, much freedom and intuitive quickness in his poetry, with a clear dominance of the word. We would like to be as him because he is a great poet, since as we said he struggles for the welfare of his country and for his ideal, and it is expressed in his literature. We admire him because we have the same interest like him, we wish to fight and to make something for our country, to help who need it. He has demonstrated his great gift in the word with the "Nobel of the literature" that is one of the most important awards in the world.

Andrea Catalina Palaces Campanella and Mayra Martial Leticia

Professor Moises Saenz Garza Middle School


Guillermo González Camarena

We send this message about the invention of the color T.V. Here it is: In 1934 were given the first experimental steps, of T.V. in Mexico. When Guillermo González Camarena was 17 years he was studying in Istituto National Politénico, he accomplished several experiments with a system of closed circuit, in the radio station of XEFO where his laboratory was mounted. During several years he worked there, until white and black T.V. operated in several countries. Approximately in 1939, he launched his chromatic system of three colours sequential of fields, thanks to which it was invented color T.V. González Camarena procured the patent of his invention in August, 1949. The first times that this system was used with scientific ends as in 1951 that was used to give classes of Anatomy. At present it is used in spaceships in NASA. The first transmission in white and black, here in Mexico, was from the bath of the house of González Camarena, on August 19th, 1946 and had such success that in September 7th of same year was inaugurated the XEIGC, the first experimental station in Latin America and transmitted during two years an artistic program with interviews. In 1948 began daily transmissions of the the First Objective Presidencial Exposition, that was transmitted from the Mining Palace. Thousands of persons saw it, thanks to the receiving appliances that were put on several commercial centers. For his experiments and investigations González Camarena is named" the

father of mexican T.V." The first channel that was inaugurated in Mexico and Latin America was the XHDF-TV channel 4 of the family O'FARRIL who began the transmission on August 3rd, 1950, and to the following day or rather the first of September was transmitted the first important program in Mexico, it was the reading of the IV report of Government of " Lic. Miguel Aleman Valdes", president of the country. In the same year XETV channel 6 of Tijuana B.C. began its transmissions and XEQ-T.V. channel 9 in Altzomoni, Mexico. In the year of 1955 it was joined the XEW-TV channel 2 that is property of the Azcarrraga family and the XHGC channel 5 property of the engineer Guillermo González Camarena and it was given the first step to constitute the Mexican telesystem Company. After that the first transmissions of other Mexican channels were initiated. The first program that Mexico transmitted to all the world was the XIX Olympic Games of Mexico '68, thanks to the incursion of our country in the area of satellite communications. The first two Mexican satellites that were put on orbit were Morelos I and II in the year of 1985. In the year of 1992 and 1993 were installed other two satellites Solidarity I and II. These satellites have the capacity of offering telecommunication services to all the national territory and to 23 countries more than American continent.

Mayra Leticia, Leticia Cervantes, Nayeli Salinas Cortez

Professor Moises Saenz Garza Middle School


~ The End ~

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