Collecting Survey Information for Circle Projects
Students often develop surveys for their Circle projects.
Sometimes they are about sensitive issues that students can only answer
honestly if they are assured that their responses will not be identified
with them.
For example, you might want to have students write their
responses to the questions without names and place them in a sealed envelope
or in a box that has been taped closed. Then, one or more students can
tally the results directly into a document or datafile on the computer.
There are a number of ways to collect class data for less
sensitive but still unmarked responses. For simple yes/no questions or
choice questions that are not private, you can put up a tally sheet on
the bulletin board. If you are worried about students entering multiple
responses, you might try using small stickers in two types. These could
be used to visually identify male vs. female responses. You could give
each student the gender appropriate stickers in sets which allow one sticker
for each question.
Copyright © 1997, 2002, Margaret