Cover Design
Usually one of the classes volunteers to create the design
for the cover page. This class can either select the name for the Circle
publication or ask others to help select a name. They can design the cover
with either computer graphics or hand drawings, but it is best to keep
in mind that the cover will be copied. Color pictures look nice on the
"original" but do not copy very well. It is best to do any art work in
black and white. Students often use pictures of states and countries in
the design. It is important to put a date on the cover of any publication.
If no one has volunteered to provide a cover, your students
may want to design their own cover. They might want to send it to the
other classes as well. If more than one school wants to design a cover,
both can be sent and each school can decide on which one they want to
Copyright © 1997, 2002, Margaret